
Beauty and the Beast

1:29 AM

When I was a little girl, me and my friends liked to be a pretend princess. Most of them wanted to be Cinderella or Ariel-- those two are the most popular ones. But I would always chose to be Belle. I watched it when I was about 9 or 10 years old maybe, and I remembered on that day I felt that its okay to be different and to actually likes to read a lot-- although at that time I read Japanese comic books, but still I brought it with me everywhere most of the times and my mom would scowled at me if its already dark and I just didn't want to put the book down.

Imagine when I first found out that Disney is making a remake of Beauty and the Beast, I was jumping up and down like a bunny rabbit! Okay, I have to confess that I had a huge massive expectations for this remake of Beauty and the Beast, but its really my FAVORITE princess I think Im allowed to have a slightly more expectations than other Disney remake.

The day came, and there I was with my sister, and my cousins and some of their friends who are a massive fan as well, standing excitedly inside the cinema and with popcorn in hand, we came inside the studio and sat nicely, waiting for the light to dimmed and that Disney Castle logo appear. And when that happened, I squealed under my breath, with my hands covering my mouth my upper body just jiggle from side to side, back and forth. I was a 9 year old girl again!

The movie took about 130 minutes, 45 minutes longer than the cartoon, and there are some added storyline which are for me who is a fan, finds a bit strange and unnecessary but still acceptable although it adds more drama to the movie made it heavier than the original version. This one I felt a bit more theatrical and broadway-like. I think because of the new songs. The new songs are different than the original ones, theyre not as cheerful and and more opera like and just sad.. Yes, I think that was it, they added sadness with tragic and loss storyline.

Overall it was an experience, a time machine to be exact! As for the movie itself, to be honest, its not that good. It was okay, but there are things I would like to fix if i were the director (hehe). Emma could play it a bit more sweeter and playful instead I feel shes a bit too stiff, also some scene (like the dining room 'Be Our guest' scene) she should be more enthusiastic and in awe --as the Belle in the cartoon did, after all she was watching a show of plates and cups dancing and singing in front of her! Also the Beast when he became human, should be more handsome. Because in real life, Dan Steven is cute! So really, a bit of a downer when the Beast transformed into the Prince and not as handsome as I thought its going to be. And other minor details which you may find slightly irritating but you will forgive them because its Beauty and the Beast, after all.


Unconsciously Dependent

6:48 AM

As a girl growing up, somehow its sinful for the society to actually go everywhere alone, by myself with no companion. I went to the mall alone, and accidentally bumped to a friend which of course not alone, and they will ask what am I doing, am i alone, why am I alone, and lastly they will most probably with a concern/sad face asked me to join them. It is such a strange thing and not normal to go about alone, wandering by myself and doing my own business. Even when going the toilet, girls usually goes in pairs, as if there will be monsters in the toilet and if we have a friend with us they will smack the monster's head because those are the things we might find in the toilet. Im sure maybe at first, the reason is just so they can talk or gossip during their way to the toilet. But the habit has been so natural to them that they become unconsciously dependent. 

Walking alone, enjoying the time with myself makes me feel confident. Because I have to decide on myself weather should I buy this dress or not, what should I eat, and etcetera. By the time I got back, I feel content and good about myself, because those are my decisions-- although there are times I would regret the things I did buy and should asked a second opinion to, but the important thing is I know I can count on myself, if anything.

I slept over at my cousin's last night, and she wasn't feeling well so she rested the whole morning, and I treated myself with a Me Time.


heartfelt series

6:36 AM

Okay where should I begin? First of all, I knew this series from Mandy Moore-- her Instagram of course, and I remember I was so stoked when I found out who was playing her husband! Yes it's Jess! All grown up with beard and moustached and biceps, no more skinny little cute boy from Gilmore anymore. So yes, I of course definitely wanted to watch the series oh so badly. But months passed by and I still had not start watching it, because I was pretty busy and the internet's broke down (I live in Bali, it's a common thing to have the internet's down. Mostly because of the rain. Or just a heavy wind, bad weather. All usual stuff)
So finally yesterday with Personal Hotspot from my iPhone, I started the series. Within the first 10 minutes, I was already crying my eyes out. And (im dead serious) every 10 minutes they made my eyes flooded with tears, again, and again. And I continue to watched it for 5 episodes straight- I wanted to continue but my eyes are so tired from all the crying!
The story is about family. About being a parent, about being a kid, about being a brother/sister, about relationship between them and their own personal relationships. Mandy (Rebecca) and Milo (Jack) are the parents for their 3 kids, two of them are twins and the one they adopted. I dont want to spoil too much because its THAT good really.
All I can tell you is it's very refreshing that the world still have this kind of story. Where nowdays series are sometimes too intense or too dark or too hard to be funny/ sarcastic. This Is Us sort of a hope for mankind, that we are still able to do good and be good even though the world today is chaotic.
It's real, its heartfelt, and the most important thing is its positive. After watching it I felt uplifted, hope, and simply happy.

A Warm Welcome

7:58 AM

A New Year. A New Blog.

You know how certain things or places took you back to the deepest memories? Memories that creates feelings, it can be happy, sad, broken, but mostly you feel somehow overwhelmed inside that you just hard to pin point the exact feeling-- happiness or sadness? A mixture of many colors from the past, too much moments came at the same time. When I had that feeling, I became restless and uneasy. Probably because I was overwhelmed. It can be just a simple photo of my niece when she was still very little, and I miss those times, made me think my life was better then, which is not (entirely) true. So that is why I like to avoid those places or things that might cause me feeling so.

I had a blog since 2009. It was a heartwarming blog. It was my sanctuary, my dearest best friend, where I poured my purest rawest heart. I was quite keen on writing my blog, it has everything I love there. A very warm and happy place. Then my life changed. I broke up with my 4 years relationship, I closed my own small tailoring company, I moved to Bali, I lived by myself, basically Life happened. I started to write less, until I stopped writing in 2014.

The reason I made this new blog is that. My early blog was my sanctuary, all the good and happy memories. And I dont want to change it. I know whenever I open that blog, I will feel overwhelmed, I will feel all those feelings and its okay. To know I will always have that 'Old House' whenever Im homesick, just once in awhile. In a meantime, Im building another home, this 'New House' is going to be as warm and as honest-- just with a new memories to write with (which im pretty sure Im going to feel overwhelmed by this blog just the same--its just me really, please Ana stop blaming the blog!)

Ah well!

This post really just a -welcome and hope you're having a wonderful day/night- kind of post!

Enjoy my blog, and let's connect!

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